Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Answered Prayer?

"God, these daily headaches are intolerable. Please heal me now!"

"Lord, my boss is clueless and I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Please help me get another job."

Christians almost universally agree that God answers prayer. But many people, if they were honest, would say, "The Lord answers most prayers, but not mine." We can often call out to God and not receive the satisfactory answer that we want.

The stumbling block isn't God's unwillingness or inability to respond; it's the word satisfactory
that gives us fits.

If we come to God with a preconceived idea of how to solve our problem, we'll likely overlook His true answer.

Sometimes we don't like God's solution. We desire freedom from physical ailments rather than an extra measure of grace to endure the pain. Or we want a new job, instead of seeking our boss's forgiveness for our bad attitude.

In other words, we want the Lord to fix everything without requiring any effort from us.

Our willingness to obey is the key to answered prayer. When He tells us how to resolve our problem(s), we should act as He directs, or we'll never be satisfied.

As I slowly grow, I'm learning to listen quietly and patiently, rather than requesting.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Love That Builds Up

It seems that throughout the history of humankind, especially the Church there has always been struggle, confusion, and conflict between the primary issue of loving and knowing. What we call the Protestant Reformation, perhaps the greatest split in church history, had much more to do with theology-- what we think we know about God, than praxis--- how we love.

Paul said, “knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.”

It’s not about what we know. It’s about how we love.

Actually it is easier to be convinced that I am right, certain, and the enlightened one. After all, I think, therefore I am. It’s easier to reach for the fruit of knowledge than it is to trust God.

As best I can tell, Jesus was actually serious when he said to love one another. He didn’t say like everyone; agree with everyone; be nice to everyone… he said love one another… it goes both ways and sometimes loving others is painful and I don’t feel like loving others especially those who frustrate me and I “know” are wrong or in my opinion have some silly, scary, shallow and sadistic ideas about God. Does God really want me to love these people? Was Jesus really serious… did Paul know what he was talking about?

I have no problem looking others in the eyes and telling them where they are wrong; my problem is looking myself in the eyes… looking God in the eyes and admitting where I am wrong. If I’m such a master at KNOWING about love, grace, justice and mercy, then how can I so easily turn around and despise those who are created in the same image of God as me?

Paul says, if I know all the mysteries of the future and know everything about everything, but don’t love others, what good am I?

Someone once said that spiritual insanity is knowing what is right, hearing what is right and doing the opposite.

When I get honest with myself and God I begin to heal… I begin the process of transformation that happens through letting go of my self-righteousness and control and surrendering to God’s love. Just as I cannot transform the minds of others through puffed-up knowledge, I cannot expect to transform my life on knowledge alone. It takes God working in my life and heart. It begins with my willingness to allow God to be God in my life.

The way we live out our mission is not by reaching for the fruit of knowledge that can only puff us up and potentially kill us, but to a live a life of love… God, self, and especially others… that is what will build us up… that... love... is what will give us life.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Fun Friday 2

Describe what your all time favorite meal would be.

Mine might and probably would be subject to change-but for now:

A bacon wrapped filet mignon~ seared, not grilled
Coconut crusted shrimp
A colorful salad with a bleu cheese vinaigrette dressing
crusty on the outside and fluffy on the inside slightly sweet brown bread with plenty of butter
and although etiquette would tell you red, I'd have a glass or two of nice German Leibfraumilch.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Only Hope

I love music. All kinds, especially old stuff. There are alot of songs on the radio nowadays that I tune out though. I know why, If I don't like the melody, then I normally won't listen to the lyrics.

Occasionally, I stop to really listen to the words.

Today I was blessed.

The song was "Only Hope" by Caedmon's Call. The verse was:

"I have long withstood Your grace,
King, provoked You to Your face,
Would not hearken to Your calls,
Grieved You by a thousand falls."

The chorus follows to say that Jesus is our only hope.

I just wanted to share that, in case you hadn't listened closely either.

How we fall each day and deny His call to righteousness. Thank God for His mercy and grace.

Friday, January 20, 2006


I'm starting a new thing for 2 reasons:

1. To add a bit of levity to my sight, and-

2. To get people more involved.

So each Friday, I will put out a (hopefully) fun question for my readers to answer. So don't feel obligated, and you can post anonymously, but I am interested in what's bouncing around in your heads.

Here's this weeks question:

Who is your favorite 80's, glam rock, spandex wearing, high hair sprayed, Mtv rock band video/song of all time?

This may date some of us, and others may not know or care what I'm talking about.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

This morning's study

My wife and I were studying in Acts 12 this morning and I wanted to share a few blessings that we were shown.

When Herod captured Peter and put him in prison, he appointed four squads of soldiers to watch over him. Now I don't know exactly how many are in a squad, but I imagine it's a few. And likewise, in the cell, he had a guard on each side of him, he was in chains, behind a locked door, with guards watching the door from the other side.

I'm thinking that Herod must have been worried about something to have that many soldiers guarding one man. Did he hear rumors of this strange power that these followers of that man called Jesus had, or maybe he was fearful of a mob revolt by some wayward Gentiles. Who knows.

So, here's Peter, in a dark, oppressive prison cell. Isn't our sin like that sometimes? Held captive in a dark situation where there seems that no hope will come. I think it's at those times when God knows you are out of options, when you can't figure a way to escape by yourself, that amazing miracles happen.

Was Peter weeping and fretting about his future? Peter was asleep! The angel of the Lord had to hit him to wake him up, for heaven's sake. I'm sorry, I can't say I'm there yet. Peter reminds me of Abraham taking his son up the mountain to sacrifice him. Like Abraham, Peter didn't know what was going to happen in the morning, but it really didn't matter. That's faith in the midst of your circumstances.

I also noticed that in verse 7, the angel shone a light into the cell. I would think that angels don't need lights to get around, so it must have been to guide Peter's way. That is so cool that God brings it down to our level and shows us the path to follow. It's interesting that the guards were not disturbed by the light. I mean, if I'm lying in bed asleep and someone shines a light in my face, I guarantee you, I'm going to wake up. Do you think God made it so the guards could not see the light?

Where the light shines, The chains will fall.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Have I Gotta Deal For You!

Pastor Parsley: You'll Have No Reason To Fear With This Sword That I'll Send You…. (For your Donation)

Is this just weird, or is it me? This is now available from <TV Preacher Rod Parsley>...

The Sword of the King

A symbol of your freedom to walk in fearlessness in 2006!

God’s promise for you in Isaiah 41:10 is, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

You have no reason to fear in 2006! And The Sword of the King is a beautiful reminder of that promise! This sword is a replica of the sword of the legendary King Arthur and features:

* Intricate detail throughout the handle and blade.
* Two-tone antique copper- and gold-colored metal handle.
* Polished stainless steel blade detailed with the cross of Christ.
* Beautiful display board with wood grain finish and two gold-colored studs to hang the sword from.
* A length of 37 inches.

Display this specially crafted sword in your home as a reminder that this is your year to walk in complete fearlessness, according to Isaiah 41:10!

Give just $41.10, as a statement of faith that you believe in Isaiah 41:10, and get the SWORD OF THE KING today!

So, I'll tell you what.... If you send ME $41.10 today, I'll send you the Sheild of Faith to go with it. It may look conspicuously like a plastic CoolWhip bowl lid, but trust me, it is an authentic Sheild of Faith.

Sorry, I just get a little irked when I picture a bunch of old ladies with these swords hanging on the walls of their one room apartments while eating Banquet TV dinners.

I wonder what ol' Rod's driving these days.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Psalm 1:1

I wrote this study a couple of years ago. The Psalms never fail to bring me comfort.

Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
This is such a short and simple verse and I know I’ve read it dozens of times but, as usual, God decided that this time I was going to see something different in it. It’s just one sentence, but it speaks volumes. I think it not only teaches us how to live a holy and separate life but what’s more amazing to me is the warning it gives us concerning that slippery slide into sin and how easy it can be.
Let’s look at this verse as it mirrors our lives today. First we casually walk by a situation. We’re curious or even intrigued by that sin we see or hear but we keep on walking. I mean what’s the big deal right? We’re strong enough to resist. In fact, we can walk by that as much as we want.
Then we’re walking by one day and we’ve got a few minutes on our hands so let’s just stand there for a bit and observe. It doesn’t hurt to look. Just because we hear that sin doesn’t mean we have to believe it. Jesus hung out with sinners anyway. Lighten up already!
You know there’s not much use standing around and looking conspicuous. Besides who wouldn’t rather sit down. It’s easier to see what’s going on and hear the conversations. In fact we’d probably have a lot of valuable input. And why should we feel bad. Just because we sit with them doesn’t mean we’re like them. We’re getting along with everybody… even God… He gets our Sundays...... right?
I think rarely is that slide into sin or that slipping away from God earth shattering, or at least we choose not to notice. The slide can be so gentle and easy that it’s sometimes imperceptible until it’s too late. So let’s walk with the righteous, and stand up for Christ… and sit down to read God’s Holy word and pray.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Avoiding Prison

I was driving past our county jail the other day and I noted how long it was taking to build the new section.
A spiritual prison, too, can be erected very slowly, one sin at a time without a believer noticing.

Ensnarements happen slowly, beginning with a thought. Over time, unless these thoughts are eradicated, contemplation turns into action. With satan falsely promising happiness as the reward for giving in to temptation, sin gains strength through repetition until our conscience is finally overpowered. One morning we wake to find that the devil holds our will in bondage.

But we can avoid spiritual chains. Our first step is accept two basic truths: all sin enslaves, and bondage begins in the mind. We can't maintain a healthy relationship with the Lord while indulging sin. When a wrong thought creeps into our consciousness, we have the choice to expel it or embrace it. Through the Holy Spirit, every believer has the power to change his mind.

A second step is to ask ourselves, Is the pleasure of this sin worth the consequences of being imprisoned? Inevitably, the answer must be no.

Third, we order our life according to God's Word. Make the choice to place yourself in bondage to the Father because we find true freedom in Him. His Word trains us to recognize wrongdoing and expel it from our hearts.

Talk to Him always.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


A pastor in our community resigned from his church the other day because he was caught having an inappropriate relationship with an underage girl.

Many things go through our heads at a time like this. A member of his flock must have a myriad of feelings. Shock, dismay, righteous indignation, anger, betrayal, sadness, even rage.

I'm also just as sure that there are those both saved and unsaved that may feel vilified or even relish in an affirmation of their preconceived "Hypocrite Christian" viewpoint.

It is my hope that there are also some people who might feel compassion, hope for restoration, and a sense of humbleness that "there but for the grace of God go I."

This called to memory a similar situation in my church a few years ago where a very gifted and learned leader let self and pride come between himself and God. If the church had been an orchestra, he would have been the conductor, and he was good at it. The problem was that the church had been steadily losing members, largely because this person couldn't relinquish control of anything and often intimidated people, including our pastor, to get his way. Through much heartbreak, the board asked him to step down from a leadership role for awhile and be a part of the body, sitting in a pew, rejoicing, singing, worshipping, and listening for what the Holy Spirit had to say each week. That wasn't good enough. Self and Pride won out, and he, along with his whole family, left the church immediately. I know thay my sister and I loved them very much and were broken to see them go. I pray to this day that he has found peace once again with Jesus.

It's a hard thing when our desires of self become the god we worship more than the true God that we should wholly serve.

If a leader, or any brother or sister, for that matter, denies and defies when they are confronted according to the Gospel, then of course they should be taken out to the woodshed, but, I can't stress enough that we must have compassion and a hope of restoration for those who have fallen and turned away because the world won't give it!

You might be thinking that it wouldn't have been as bad had the sin involved an older woman, or that he should have known better because he was a pastor, but before we jump on the bandwagon and throw stones, let's ask ourselves where we have fallen each day. We are all called to be priests, holy and sanctified. How often do we cut corners, or turn into someone else when we drive, or abuse God's temples with alcohol, tobacco, or excessive amounts of food, or gossip about that horrible and weak pastor?

We all, daily, require our Father's forgiveness, compassion, mercy, and restoration.... And I know He asks the same from us.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

John 8:7 (concerning the adulteress) He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.

I ask that the readers of my blog pray with me for this pastor who loves the Lord but has lost his way. Pray for a renewed relationship between himself and the Lord. Pray for his family and the church that looked to him for guidance. And that they will all find some peace in this trying time.

God Bless

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Feeling Loved

How many people know that God loves them but yet they don't feel loved by God?

I'll be the first to admit that I have felt that way many times in my walk with Christ.

What causes us to believe this?

1. We believe the devil's lies about us.
1 Peter 5:8 exhorts us to be sober and vigilant because satan goes around like a roaring lion seking whom he may devour.

2. We have an unworthy feeling about ourselves.
1 Peter 2:24 said that Jesus Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness- by Who's stripes we were healed.

We can claim the supernatural life that is ours when we surrender our whole lives to Him. If we confess our doubts and fears and ask Him to take them and then....(and here's the important part), don't pick them back up, we can then open our hearts to Feel His love because we have released the guilt and shame.

Ephesians 3:20 says,"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

WOW! Isn't that exciting? Not only can we live in His love but He has sent the power, which is the Holy Spirit, to help us. Praise God our Father.