Thursday, July 27, 2006


What does "commitment" mean to you?

We all know the word, but do we really understand the meaning of a solid, unwavering commitment?

One of the scripture's clearest teachings on commitment is in Romans 12:1-3, where Paul calls believers to present their bodies as a "living sacrifice" unto the Lord. Think about that image. How did people in the Old Testament make sacrifices? They took them to the temple, surrendered them to the priest, and then walked away.

They walked away.

They didn't keep their hands on what they brought to the Lord.

They didn't offer it temporarily or expect to get it back.

They simply gave it up, trusting that God would honor their sacrifice.

Does this kind of complete surrender characterize your commitment to the Lord? Have you fully and completely given yourself over to His will, His guidance, and His purposes?

Many people can't answer yes to these questions. Hesitant believers may profess a saving faith in Christ, but it's almost like they envision a little contract between themselves and God. They think, You can have me now, Jesus, as long as you take care of me. If something bad happens to me, though, I'm going to take my sacrifice back.

Is your commitment contingent on God's blessings? Do you face your hardships with joy(James 1:2), or do your struggles chip away at your holy commitment bit by bit? Active, growing faith requires total surrender to God. Are you ready?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Danilo Dolce once stated, "It's important to know that words don't move mountains. Work, exacting work moves mountains.

People pray. People believe in prayer......but do they act as a part of that prayer or is it all in God's hands?

We should never forget that we are the mouth, hands, and feet of God. I truly believe that if God equips you, He expects you to step up to the plate.

When the disciples were complaining about not being able to catch fish, Jesus told them to cast their nets into the deep. Jesus stepped into the boat with them but they had to do the work.

Is Jesus in your boat?

I have a close friend who's marraige is stagnant and seemingly hopeless. They say that they pray about it all the time, and yet, not 10 minutes later they will be complaining about or criticizing their spouse. It's no wonder that the marraige isn't improving.

There was a period in my youth when my father played around with the notion of Christian Science. While I'm sure they are very good people, I believe they have gotten caught up in legalism. My gradeschool music teacher was a Christian Scientist. He died from a simple case of Pneumonia because he would not act and see a doctor.

Whether it is a marriage, friendship, relationship, or even a life in the balance. God expects us to take action. It doesn't actually say, "God helps those who help themselves" in the bible, but I think it is a statement worth listening to.