Thursday, November 30, 2006

Changing Our Focus

John 15:18-21

Nothing can touch a believer’s life unless it comes through the permissive will of God. That means He has complete control, even when it feels like Satan is running rampant through our personal lives. Trapped in Roman confinement, Paul knew that God could rescue him; after all, He had removed Peter’s chains. (Acts 12:7) But Paul was not simply waiting around for liberation. Even in his chains, he earnestly continued with his kingdom work because he believed God did everything for a reason.
It is true that the Lord has a purpose for whatever He brings into a person’s life. Though we may desperately wish for different circumstances, God allows us to go through a given situation when it will ultimately bring about the most favorable result. If we allow Him to finish the work instead of trying to extricate ourselves, we’ll see a positive outcome.
Paul’s time in prison proved a benefit for the Gospel, though logically, the spread of the Word should have been severely hindered by the imprisonment of such a great preacher. In two years, he had been guarded by many of the elite praetorians (Philippians 1:13), and we know what Paul talked to them about Christ during their shifts.
There isn’t a single verse in the Bible that says believers are promised an easy life. In fact, the Word warns that the opposite is true. (John 16:33) But we, like Paul, can choose to live above our circumstances by realizing that God has a plan to use our experiences for our good and the benefit others.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006



Tuesday, November 07, 2006

False Prophets

I woke early this morning thinking of the false prophets in the last days that Christ spoke about in His word. (Matt. 24:24)

I think people expect them to be obvious, like, "OH, that guy! Well, I know he's a fake." The problem is that it's not like that at all.

Almost always, they will be ever so slightly off center, barely distinguishable from the truth, enticing, convincing, and by golly, they make me feel better! (Psalm12:1-4)

Sadly, they aren't "bad" people in most cases, just misguided by power, pride, money, or any number of manifestations of self. There comes a point where a breakthrough or decision has to be made where we realize that it's absolutely not about us.....Not even an inkling!

Anything, and I mean anything that puffs us up is wrong because our nature is so weak that we can't stop those feelings of self from creeping in. (2Cor.11:12-15)

I've always loved the passages concerning the Bereans. (Acts 17). They were being taught by Paul and Silas. Can you imagine? That's like Billy Graham, (or in the secular world), a famous actor coming to town. I mean, wouldn't we be hanging on their every word? Anyway; What did the Bereans do? They said, "great messages guys", and then they gathered together and poured over the scriptures to make sure they weren't full of hooey.

I've watched most of these people on TV or read their books. I always have my Bible open and ask God for discernment, and it's amazing how often The Breath of God is misquoted or used out of context. (Rev.22:18-19)

If we are in the end times... and even if we're not, read the warnings in His unfailing word. (Jer.14:13-16)

It's gonna sound nice, it's gonna seem easier, And it's gonna get more confusing by the day! (2Peter 2:1-3)
The paths will get wider and there will be more of them, but there is only one center, and there is no compromise.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Describing God

How would you describe God to someone if, say, you didn't speak their language... or you were mute?

Think about that a moment.

You don't have a bible, written word, or even anything to draw with.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that I would take them to the most beautiful place I could find, turn in a circle with arms stretched wide and then point to the heavens, or direct their attention to the miracle of a baby bird breaking through it's shell. I know it sounds silly, but how do you show Jesus in your heart and soul?

Would you take the person to the Darfur region of Sudan where citizens are being slaughtered in mass by the malitia, or how about to the amputee ward of a military hospital for soldiers returning from Iraq?

God is there too.

So I was thinking it over again.
How could I describe the eternal majesty of our Father God? The saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? The daily guidance of The Holy Spirit?

The only thing I can come up with is that I would stay with this person, day and night. I would hold them when they were sad, tend to them when they got sick, protect them against all dangers...... and eventually develop a lasting communication, that, even though we were different, we could understand each other and I would know what they needed from me, and I could, in turn, show them love with no terms.

That might just begin to describe God.