Friday, July 29, 2005

Today's Rant

Okay, so I don't usually get on a jag about things too much, but here's something that's been really bothering me. I was listening to my usual local christian radio station this morning and the news guy was reporting that the National Methodist Conference or something like that was in a controversial quagmire because a gay man had wanted to become a member of this church. The Pastor refused to allow him membership because he was not repentant of being gay. Is being gay the ultimate sin, or did I miss something? I mean, I wonder how many members are in that church who have committed adultery, left their spouse and are now with the new person. Are they going to repent, leave that person and try to beg forgiveness and reconcile with their former mate? Or how about a church member who becomes addicted to alcohol or prescription pills? I say throw 'em all out! God forbid we should open a discussion on glutony. UH-OH, there goes the new addition to the building with the full gym and indoor pool because half your church just got banned. Don't ever misunderstand me. I think the homosexual lifestyle is a path to sure and eternal death, but we, as a church body, cannot shut people out because our Lord definitely wouldn't have. Why would a person ever want to repent if they're not accepted with open arms?If they have those feelings it doesn't mean they have to act on them. It's no different than if I see a pretty girl and have a momentary lustful thought. Do I feel bad? Yes. But I repent and go on. I don't act on it. Same goes for eating. I enjoy food, but I know better than to eat like I did when I was a kid or else I'd probably croak in a few years. End of rant.


girlfriday85 said...

Maybe the difference could be this: is the man recognizing that being gay is a sin and is he working to overcome it, or is he saying "God made me this way and it's not wrong" ?

eubulus said...

Hey sugga! I would assume that he believes that it isn't wrong because the pastor said he denied him because he was unrepentant.So I see your point, but consider this. We think bad thoughts about someone and maybe even talk about them. You may ask God's forgiveness, but does it change your feelings about that person or persons? You might say- "Well I'm workin' on it." But is that good enough? Do I feel guilty that I'm sitting here eating a soft baked Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookie and destroying God's temple? Not really. Didn't Christ tell the prostitute to go and sin no more after her sin was forgiven?

girlfriday85 said...

i see what you're saying. i guess it's "better" to be acknowleding that something is a sin and be working to change than to blatantly defy the Bible and possibly lead others astray into thinking homosexuality isn't a sin because the church is allowing it.