Thursday, July 07, 2005

A Poem

Dirty Knees

I lie awake. I toss and turn.
I long for this. For that I yearn.

I work all day and fret at night.
So many bills. What is my plight?

I go to church and praise God's name.
Where's my reward? Is this a game?

Nowhere to turn, I start to cry-
fall to my knees and ask God why?

That's when it hits me clear as day.
I never took the time to pray.

I lift my eyes to God above.
There on that floor I'm filled with love.

I see a man knelt in a garden,
and on a cross Our sins He pardoned.

My daily worries now seem so small.
He prayed for us-then gave it all.

So through life's trials and tragedies,
you'll find clean hearts on dirty knees.

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