Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I don't know about anyone else, but that's probably the hardest (or one of the hardest) hurdles for me to get over. What's interesting is that if it's just an acquaintance, it's easier for me to forgive. Is that because I just don't care? He asks us to love everyone the same.
I do believe this much; Even if you forgive, I don't think it let's the other person off the hook for the responsibilities of their actions. In other words, the previous Pope went to a prison and met with the man who tried to kill him back in the late 80's(I think). He forgave him of the act, but the man still had to do the time. I must have some narcissistic tendencies because isn't forgiveness really to heal yourself of that burden of carrying it around and basically just giving another person some power over you? I'd just betcha that in most cases when someone is harbouring unforgiveness in their heart against somebody, that that person probably isn't even aware of the offense. Too much time and effort is expended on waiting for someone to be sorry.
I think we all need a confidant, whether it be a spouse or a best friend (same thing for me), but it has to be someone you can trust with everything. That's a hard thing to find. I've opened myself up a few times in the past and everytime it seems to have become fodder for them. Some things must be too juicy to hold in. I don't know why people do that. I'm probably a poor judge of character. I guess we should seek out someone whose house is in order- like His word says.

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