Thursday, November 30, 2006

Changing Our Focus

John 15:18-21

Nothing can touch a believer’s life unless it comes through the permissive will of God. That means He has complete control, even when it feels like Satan is running rampant through our personal lives. Trapped in Roman confinement, Paul knew that God could rescue him; after all, He had removed Peter’s chains. (Acts 12:7) But Paul was not simply waiting around for liberation. Even in his chains, he earnestly continued with his kingdom work because he believed God did everything for a reason.
It is true that the Lord has a purpose for whatever He brings into a person’s life. Though we may desperately wish for different circumstances, God allows us to go through a given situation when it will ultimately bring about the most favorable result. If we allow Him to finish the work instead of trying to extricate ourselves, we’ll see a positive outcome.
Paul’s time in prison proved a benefit for the Gospel, though logically, the spread of the Word should have been severely hindered by the imprisonment of such a great preacher. In two years, he had been guarded by many of the elite praetorians (Philippians 1:13), and we know what Paul talked to them about Christ during their shifts.
There isn’t a single verse in the Bible that says believers are promised an easy life. In fact, the Word warns that the opposite is true. (John 16:33) But we, like Paul, can choose to live above our circumstances by realizing that God has a plan to use our experiences for our good and the benefit others.

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