Friday, April 28, 2006

He Works All Things!

Romans 8:18-30
James Lindsey Smith’s ordeal was “a thrilling narrative of escape.” Under cover of darkness, he and two other men sailed a small boat from Virginia to Maryland. There the men were separated, and Smith managed to avoid detection as he walked alone through Delaware to Pennsylvania. Along the way a woman fed him. In Philadelphia, a man secretly sheltered him and arranged to get him to New York. There he met others who helped him travel to Norwich, Connecticut, where he settled, married, and became a preacher.
The year was 1838 and Smith was a black slave. Like thousands of others, his journey on the “Underground Railroad” was conducted by nameless individuals who assisted and protected him. With their help, Smith eventually made it to freedom. In a similar way, believers are on a journey from bondage to glorious freedom (v. 21). Along the way, we’re helped in our weakness by the Spirit, who intercedes for us and leads us according to God’s will.
But before glory, there’s much suffering. On the one hand, our present suffering doesn’t compare to this future glory (v. 18). In fact, this glory will be so great that the entire creation groans eagerly for it! Because we have the Spirit, we too groan, because deep down we know that this present life isn’t all there is. We long for our resurrection bodies, which will be free from corruption and decay.
On the other hand, however, God knows that our present suffering could overwhelm us, so He assures us of two things. First, we’re not alone. The Spirit helps us in our weakness and translates our groaning into inexpressible words before the Father. Second, God assures us that He’s working redemptively in every circumstance we encounter (v. 28). This doesn’t mean that things will turn out how we expect, or that we’ll have comfort and ease. Rather, it means that God uses every situation to make us more like Jesus Christ. What an amazing assurance, even in our darkest trials!

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