Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Stickin' to the Word


So what’s Paul saying here when he talks about the obedience that we might say that leads to faith? When you and I share Christ with people and I know that you do and when we share Christ with children and I know that you do we use ways to explain it. One of the worst ways we tell children is you need to ask Jesus into your heart. Please don’t ever do that, it’s not in the Bible and if there are concrete child of ages 3 to about 6 Jesus just shrunk down, came in, opened the door and sat in their heart, you know. That’s how they think, don’t give them those examples. Don’t say ask Jesus, don’t say give your life to Jesus, the Bible never says ask Jesus into your heart. The Bible never says to give your life to Christ, never says that. It says to believe, it says to trust, it says to put your faith in.

Now the reason we say ask Jesus into your heart is we’re not satisfied with trust, believe and faith. We’ve got to add on a little bit, we can’t, well let me explain it to you son, that means to ask Jesus into your heart. Oh, okay, I’ll ask Jesus into my heart, I understand why we do it, but let’s trust the Scripture. Let’s rest on God’s Word that’s sufficient to do the work it came to accomplish, okay? You’re better off, believe me. A child can understand belief, they can probably better than you and me. They can understand faith better than you and me. Put your trust in, to believe in someone, God made a promise, I’m believing Him, not asking him to crawl inside my chest cavity. Be clear about it.

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